Girls’ Brigade meet on Wednesday evenings during term time.

We have several sections based on the age of the girls – shown by school year:

  • Explorers section is for years 1-3 (age 5-8) – 5pm to 6:15pm
  • Junior section is for years 4-6 (age 8-11) – 6pm to 7:30pm
  • Senior section is for years 7-9 (age 11-14) – 6pm to 7:30pm
  • Brigade section is for years 10-12 (age 14-17) – 6pm to 7:30pm

We begin our evenings with a time of worship led by one of the leaders; this usually takes the form of an interactive talk. We then move to inspection – girls are encouraged to wear a GB uniform once they have committed to come along regularly. Following this we move into our sections to carry out our badge work – the girls work towards an award at the end of the year. Badge work involves a range of different topics such as Out & About, Friendship, Keeping Fit and Relationships and activities such as games, cooking, craft and singing.

We are an expanding company and are always looking to welcome you, we would ask that you contact us so we can invite you and your daughter to find out more about us.

The best person to contact is Sue on