Meet Our Staff
Bev Smith
I became a Christian in my teens at a Girls’ Brigade camp, when for the first time I understood how much God loves me and that He sent His only Son, Jesus, to die for our sins, and that because of this we can all be forgiven and accepted.
The Bible tells us that Jesus came so that we could have life, life in all its fullness and I believe that this is what I received when I became a Christian.
I am married to Bill, and we have two golden retrievers, Brodie and Skye. I work for a charity in Coleshill in IT training and support. This is a recent change, as most of my working career I have worked as PA to Senior Managers.
David Thompson
I have been a deacon since January 2022. He has retired having worked for 38 years with Lloyds Bank and 10 years on a part time basis with the Heart of England Baptist Association. He has been a deacon before at the church up to 2018. He was baptised more than fifty years ago and has been married to Irene for forty years. They have three grown up children and five grandchildren.
Esther Ford
I was born into a Catholic family
I started to attend Tamworth Baptist Church in 2000, attending an Alpha course and found so much I had missed in faith, even though I had been a Catholic all my life to that point, that I asked to be baptised in September 2001 and have been a member here since.
Tamworth Baptist Church is now an integral part of my life, an extended family that has provided love and support for me, and the rest of my family, and has given me challenges and the opportunity to allow my faith to continue to grow.
I attend housegroup and a weekly prayer meeting, both of which have helped me to talk to God, and I have more recently joined the Sunday school team, which has given me so much in return.
I work in the NHS, having done so for over 30 years. I look forward to whatever God has planned for me in the future, and, as in dancing, I just need to remember to let Him lead.
Rachel Sage
I am married to John & we have a son, Joseph. I work full-time as a primary school teacher in a local village school, where I am the Assistant Head, Early Years Leader and Reception class teacher.
I have attended Tamworth Baptist Church my whole life apart from a break of four years whilst I was at university in Sheffield. I have always been involved in a range of church activities. I was baptised when I was 13 years old after giving my life to God whilst attending a Christian youth event called Firm Foundations.
I am part of the worship group and enjoy leading the singing most Sunday mornings. I also play the flute – although not as often as I used to!
Sue Silcock
I am married to Colin and have three sons and four grandchildren and one great grandchild. We moved to Tamworth 40 years ago from Hartlepool and I still speak with a slightly strange accent! I have been an active member of Tamworth Baptist Church ever since and have undertaken lots of different roles within the fellowship.
I have been a deacon for many years and am currently involved in Saplings , I lead a mid week housegroup and am a Girls Brigade Officer, I lead evergreens every other Monday I arrange services in local community care homes and sometimes lead Sunday worship.
Martin Horner
I have been attending Tamworth Baptist Church for 42 years and was baptised in 1983 following coming to Christ, when a group of American Baptists came on a mission to the Church and being challenged during that time I gave my life to Christ. I have been involved in many ways at the Church over the years including being the congregation leader at Dosthill, leader of the fabric committee and project managed the worship room renovation.
I am returning to the diaconate after a 5-year break having been a deacon for 27 years previously.
I am now retired after 35 years at BT and 10 years at Volunteer Centre North Warwickshire. I still volunteer as Chair of trustees and manager for White Hart Community Groups (formerly VCNW). I am married to Alison, has 2 grown up daughters and two grandchildren.
Maureen Harris
As a child I attended church and Sunday school. Some years ago, I was asked if I would like to attend an Alpha course at Tamworth Baptist Church. I did attend, and now it’s wonderful to have God back in my life.
Two years ago, I was baptised and became a member here. I attend a weekly home group to which I have learnt so much more about the life of Jesus. I also help with Places of Welcome and organise readers for each week’s service.
I was asked by different members if I would consider standing as a Deacon and after much prayer I accepted and am looking forward to all that God wants me to do as well as help the church.
Stuart Wright
I have been coming to Tamworth Baptist Church for the past 10 years and help on the sound desk amongst helping members of the congregation in many ways.
Since being part of the fellowship, I have built my relationship with God. I was baptised here in 2016 and became a member of TBC which has helped in my understanding of Jesus’s love for me. I was asked by several members if I would stand as a Deacon and after listening to God and also talking to others, I have carefully considered this and belief that God is calling on me to use my gifts.